To submit a job using the Job Scheduler Wizard, perform the following procedure:
The Job Scheduler Wizard welcome page appears.
Important! You can only submit jobs on your local Windows machines. If you select a remote machine, a message appears indicating that you cannot use the Job Scheduler Wizard to submit jobs on remote machines and you will not be able to continue.
You can use the drop-down menu to select a program or click the Browse button to search for programs on your local machine or on a remote machine.
Note: The Browse button browses only the local machine. The Job Scheduler Wizard does not support remote machines.
For example:
If you entered ca_restore in the Run this program field, you can enter -source <Source Path> -dest <Destination Path> as the parameters.
Click Help to view the parameters associated with the command you entered in the Run this program field. If you do not enter a command and click Help, a list of command line utilities appears. From this list, click a command to view its associated parameters.
Important! The Job Scheduler Wizard does not validate parameters. If the parameters are wrong, the job still submits, but does not run. Therefore, you must make sure that you enter parameters accurately and correctly.
When the summary page appears, displaying a summary of what you selected.
This description appears in the description column in the Job Queue and can be used to identify the job.
A message appears to indicate the job was successful and the Job Number, which you can use to identify the job in the Job Queue. If the job fails, a message appears to indicate that it failed and the error code or a short message explaining the error.
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