Error E5213
The Database Engine failed to initialize the internal Arcserve Backup Database Master Key which is used for encrypting information in the Arcserve Backup Database.
Database Engine
During the startup of the Database Engine, it will initialize the internal Arcserve Backup Database Master Key. The Master Key is encrypted by the caroot password.
If the Database Engine failed to initialize the Master Key, it will send this error message to the Activity Log. This failure may be caused by the following:
- The caroot password has been changed and the Master Key is still encrypted by the old caroot password.
- Arcserve Backup Database is restored to another new domain, and the new domain uses a different caroot password.
Recall the old caroot passwords and try them on the pop-up dialog. If this message shows on the new domain, there are two possible solutions:
- Recall the caroot password of the original domain, and try it on the pop-up dialog.
- Copy the caroot password history file from the original domain, and place it under the same directory of the new domain. The caroot password history file is %ARCSERVE_HOME%/data/passphrase.dat. Then restart the Database Engine.
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