Error E8602
Failed to read from database. (DBNAME=object name, EC=error message/code)
- This error message (EC=error message/code) is generated when the agent attempts to read a backup object (DBNAME=object name) from the database server through a data stream from the agent. This can be an internal error or a communications error.
- Two Arcserve Backup managers are attempting to back up the same Exchange Server or the Lotus Domino database simultaneously.
- There is insufficient space on the hard disk on which the agent is installed for your Exchange database level backup.
- The drive containing the Lotus Domino data directory is not shared.
- Check the agent log file for details. Perform the following steps on the computer running the database on which you are performing the backup:
- Confirm that the Arcserve Backup Agent RPC Server service is running. If you are backing up Microsoft SQL Server, and the Backup Agent for Microsoft SQL Server is not from Arcserve for Windows, also confirm that the Arcserve Backup Agent Remote Service is running.
- Confirm that the database is running.
- Make certain no other backup or restore jobs are running.
- Stop the Arcserve Backup Agent RPC Server service. If you are backing up Microsoft SQL Server, and the Backup Agent for Microsoft SQL Server is not from Arcserve for Windows, also stop the Arcserve Backup Agent Remote Service. If the backup agent is the Arcserve for Windows Backup Agent for Microsoft SQL Server, stop the process "dbasqlr.exe" or "dbasql7r.exe" if it is running.
- Wait two minutes, and restart the Arcserve Backup Agent RPC Server service.
- Resubmit the backup job.
- Check the network connections.
- Reschedule one of the backup jobs to avoid a conflict if two managers are attempting to back up the same Exchange Server or Lotus Domino database simultaneously. Otherwise, restart either the Lotus Domino server or the operating system.
- Increase the free disk space on the drive where the agent is installed for your Exchange database level backup or reinstall the agent to a drive that has more space.
- From Windows Explorer, access the sharing Properties dialog for the drive containing the Lotus Domino data directory and verify if the drive is configured to allow sharing.
- If the problem persists, contact Arcserve support for online technical assistance and a complete list of locations, primary service hours, and telephone numbers.
If the EC is "Backup Agent Error (83) Remote pipe open failed: time-out", and you meet the following criteria, see the following section, SQL Server Agent Protocol Mismatch.
- The database you are backing up is a Microsoft SQL Server.
- You are using the Arcserve for Windows Backup Agent for Microsoft SQL Server.
SQL Server Agent Protocol Mismatch
A backup was attempted using the Arcserve for Windows Backup Agent for Microsoft SQL Server, where the backup server was running a version of Arcserve Backup prior to r12.
On the computer running the Arcserve for Windows Backup Agent for Microsoft SQL Server, find the following registry key, depending on the version of the SQL Server:
For SQL 2000:
CurrentVersion\Agent\dbasql@[database instance name]
For SQL 7:
Check the UseTCP value in the appropriate registry key and see the following list for the action you should take:
- If this is set to 1, modify the backup job and select TCP as the Remote Protocol for the SQL Server.
- If this is set to 0 modify the backup job, and select Named Pipes as the Remote Protocol for the SQL Server.
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