Error E8604
Failed to start backup. (DBNAME=object name, EC=error message/code)
The backup operation may have failed to start for one of the following reasons:
- Machine Authentication Failure: The error message may indicate one of the following conditions:
- Incorrect user name or password (Windows error 1326).
- User name was specified without a domain or machine name qualifier, and this qualifier is needed for this particular user on the target machine (Windows error 1326).
- Specified user does not have sufficient rights to perform a backup operation (Windows error 1385).
- The username or password is missing (Windows error 87).
- The Backup Agent Remote Service or the Backup Agent RPC Server service is running as a user that does not have sufficient privileges to perform a Windows login (Windows error 1314).
- Database Authentication Failure: The error message may indicate that an incorrect user name or password was used or that the user name was specified without a domain or machine name qualifier and this qualifier is needed for this configuration (Microsoft SQL with Windows authentication or Microsoft Exchange).
- Other Database Agent or Database Server errors
- The version of the agent is newer than the version of the Arcserve Backup that is installed (Backup Agent Error 116).
- Failed to open the Lotus Domino database or directory. Cannot open id file.
To address this error message, implement the appropriate action, based on the Windows error code or type of failure, from the following list:
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