Error E8605
Failed to start restore. (DBNAME=object name, EC=error message/code)
The restore operation may have failed to start for one of the following reasons:
- Machine Authentication Failure: The error message may indicate one of the following conditions:
- Incorrect user name or password (Windows error 1326).
- User name was specified without a domain or machine name qualifier, and this qualifier is needed for this particular user on the target machine (Windows error 1326).
- Specified user does not have sufficient rights to perform a restore (Windows error 1385).
- The username or password is missing (Windows error 87).
- The Backup Agent Remote Service or the Backup Agent RPC Server service is running as a user that does not have sufficient privileges to perform a Windows login (Windows error 1314).
- Database Authentication Failure: The error message may indicate that an incorrect user name or password was used or that the user name was specified without a domain or machine name qualifier and this qualifier is needed for this configuration (Microsoft SQL with Windows authentication or Microsoft Exchange).
- Other Database Agent or Database Server errors
To address this error message, implement the appropriate action, based on the Windows error code or type of failure, from the following list:
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