A restore of a tape created with BrightStor ARCserve 2000 or BrightStor Enterprise Backup 10.0 using a different block size or number of stripes than the current default was attempted using a version of BrightStor ARCserve Backup prior to r12 or BrightStor Enterprise Backup 10.5 Agent for Microsoft SQL Server.
On the computer running the Agent for Microsoft SQL Server, open the Agent for Microsoft SQL Server Configuration. If you have manually changed the VDI Block Size value at any time, change this value to match the value you used when the backup was made. If the backup was made using the BrightStor ARCserve 2000 for Windows Backup Agent for Microsoft SQL Server or earlier, change the value to 512. Stop and restart the Backup Agent Remote Service, and resubmit the restore job.
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