Error AE0521
VM Mount operation failed for the VM. For more information, see ca_vcbpopulatedb.log available in the Log folder under the Client Agent installation directory. (VM=[VM hostname])
Agent for Virtual Machines, Client Agent for Windows
- You have entered invalid credentials (user name or password) of VMware ESX Host system or VMware vCenter Server system while submitting the backup job in the 'Security and Agent Information' dialog.
- There is not enough space in the disk volume on the VCB backup proxy system.
- The Vmware ESX Host system is down.
- VM has become temporarily unmountable.
- Any VM having disk mode as Independent (Persistent/Nonpersistent) has been included in the Backup source.
- A VM is no longer available in the VMware environment.
- Run the VM backup job again by specifying correct credentials of the VMware ESX host system and the VMware VCB backup proxy system in the 'Security and Agent Information' dialog.
- Clean up the disk or change the mount path to a different volume that has enough space.
- Take corrective action if the Vmware ESX/ESXi Host system on which the VM resides is down.
- Run vcbMounter utility for the VM on the VCB backup proxy system, only if the VM has become temporarily unmountable.
The utility can be run using the command line by navigating to the directory where VMware VCB framework is installed. To view the syntax for the utility, type the following in the command line:
vcbMounter -help
If the vcbMounter utility fails to mount the specified VM, then the problem could be with the VMware VCB framework. Restart the VCB proxy machine and submit the VM backup job again.
- Clear or Remove the Independent disk mode setting for all virtual disks associated with the VM.
- Run Arcserve VMware Configuration Tool or ca_vcbpopulatedb utility to populate the Arcserve Backup database with updated information about your VMware environment.
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