Agent for Microsoft Exchange Server
The restore operation failed due to insufficient access privileges.
Note: During a restore operation to a recovery storage group (Exchange Server 2003, 2007), the agent checks if the recovery storage group exists. If it exists, but it is not for the storage group that you want to restore, the restore operation deletes the recovery storage group and then recreates it for the desired storage group. During a restore operation to a recovery database (Exchange Server 2010, 2013), the agent checks if the recovery database exists. If it exists, but it is not for the database you want to restore, the restore operation deletes the recovery database and then recreates it for the desired database.
To perform this task, your backup account must have Exchange Organization Administrator privileges for Exchange Server 2003, 2007, or Exchange Organization Management role privileges for Exchange Server 2010, 2013. Ensure that your backup account contains sufficient privileges. Otherwise, you must delete the recovery storage group (Exchange Server 2003, 2007) or the recovery database (Exchange Server 2010, 2013) manually before performing the restore.
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