Enter the name of the pager recipient.
Indicate if you are using a numeric or alphanumeric pager.
Enter a maximum of 24 characters. If a digit, such as 9, is needed for a dial tone, it must be included in this field.
A comma can be entered to indicate a one second pause. If a longer pause is desired, a string of commas can be entered.
A dash (-) can be used to separate digits, but it has no function. (Since this can vary by modem, you should verify this with your modem manual.)
Enter up to eight digits to identify the pager that will receive the alerts.
Enter up to four digits to identify where the alert occurred. This ID is included in the message to the pager. Therefore, if the number is less than four digits, you should use leading zeros.
Enter the number of seconds you want to wait before a connection is made with the pager company. This will vary with your pager company, location, time of day, telephone equipment, and telephone traffic. If the connection is not established immediately, adding a delay can prevent the alert from being sent before the connection is established.
Enter the number of seconds to wait between the time the connection is made and the alert message is sent.
Select the appropriate Port configuration from the drop-down list. This configuration profile can be edited and additional pager profiles can be created. These pager configuration profiles are stored under the Ports leaf object.
Note: When sending an alphanumeric page, consult your paging service for proper modem settings. The Alert service requires the TAP protocol for alphanumeric pages.
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