Warning AW0813

The latest Arcserve UDP/D2D session was backed up previously (UDP/D2DSession no: <UDP/D2DSession no.>). The backup job will skip this node.


Client Agent


The latest Arcserve UDP/D2D session was backed up in a previous iterative backup job. The backup job skipped the node to help prevent backing up data redundantly.


This is expected behavior.

To allow Arcserve Backup to back up Arcserve UDP/D2D data redundantly, access the node that you are backing up and modify the value of the following Registry key (DWORD):

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ComputerAssociates\CA ARCserve Backup\ClientAgent\Parameters\AllowRedundantD2DBackups

Value: 1

Note: If the above-described Registry key is not present on the node that you are backing up, you must create the key.