Error AE310053

Environment variable [CAS_ENV_DB2_AGENT_HOME] not defined


Enterprise Option for DB2 UDB


The 'CAS_ENV_DB2_AGENT_HOME' parameter available in '/opt/CA/BABcmagt/agent.cfg' is not defined in the DB2 option registration section.


Run the option's setup script (<BABDB2AGT_HOME>/casdb2setup) to update the DB2 option registration in the Arcserve Backup Common Agent (BABcmagt). Make sure that the 'CAS_ENV_DB2_AGENT_HOME' parameter is well defined in /opt/CA/BABcmagt/agent.cfg after running the script.

If the problem persists, contact Arcserve support for online technical assistance and a complete list of locations, primary service hours, and telephone numbers.