GFS Media Pools

The GFS (Grandfather-Father-Son) rotation scheme automatically creates three media pools-daily, weekly, and monthly-when you schedule a backup using this scheme. These pools are named according to the Media Pool Prefix you enter in the Schedule dialog box. Each media pool has its own Scratch Set and Save Set with a default retention period and minimum number of media to save.

The following are the GFS media pools and the formulas used to calculate their retention periods and number of media to save, when the default values are used:

Note: Arcserve Backup prevents you from using the underscore character ( _ ) and the hyphen character ( - ) when specifying Media Pool names.

Note: If you preserve one media each month (12 monthly media), the retention period is 343 days, using the (12 *29)-5 formula, which takes into account months with differing number of days.

More information:

Rotation Schemes

Incremental and Differential Backup Operations

Use Rotation Scheme Options