Verify Your Data on Media

Arcserve Backup enables you to verify that your data was correctly backed up to media. You can verify the data for the entire backup job, or for a selected drive that is included in your backup job. The global verification options (applied to the entire job) are overridden by the options selected for a drive.

To verify the data for selected drive:

  1. Select the Source tab.
  2. Right-click the drive.

    The Source Context menu opens.

  3. Choose Option from the Source Context menu.

    The Local Option dialog opens.

  4. Choose a verification option.

    The available verification options are described at the end of this topic.

  5. Click OK.

    The specified options are applied only to the selected drive.

To verify data for the entire backup job:

  1. Click Options.
  2. Select the Verification tab in the Options dialog.
  3. Choose a verification option.

    The available verification options are described at the end of this topic.

  4. Click OK.

    Your backup job is stored with the specified Session password.

Available Verification Options

More information:

Verifying Your Data on Media