Previous Topic: Managing Replication and High Availability Scenarios

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Scenario Properties

If you wish to change a scenario configured through the Wizard or configure additional settings, you can use the Properties pane to modify the scenario.

The Properties pane and its tabs are context-sensitive and change whenever you select a different node from a scenario folder. You must stop a scenario before configuring its properties. Certain values cannot be modified once set; they are noted. For full details on configuring scenario properties and their descriptions, see the CA ARCserve RHA Administration Guide.

Properties are organized into tabs on the CA ARCserve RHA Manager Framework pane. The tabs displayed are based upon server type, CA ARCserve RHA solution, and scenario status. Select the scenario for which you wish to change properties, and then select the appropriate tab.

Settings on the Root Directories tab

Select a Master Server from the Scenario Pane. Double-click its Directories folder to add or remove Master Root Directories. Select or clear checkboxes next to folders, as desired, to include or exclude them. You may also edit directory names.

Select a Replica Server from the Scenario Pane. For each Master Root directory, you must specify a Replica Root directory. Double-click the Directories folder for the Replica server. Select or clear checkboxes next to folders, as desired, to hold the corresponding Master directory.

When you select auto-discovery of database files, a SQL auto-discovery dialog opens. The dialog displays all the SQL instances and databases available on the master SQL host. This can be done in the wizard and/or in the scenario view. You can select the instances or databases that are needed. 

Note: If you select an instance, you cannot deselect the master, model or msdb databases. You can only deselect user created databases. 

There is also a checkbox called "Replicate new databases in the selected root directories". If checked, new databases that are created by the user after the scenario runs will be replicated.

Settings on the Properties Tab
Scenario Properties

These settings establish default behavior for the entire scenario.

  • General properties -- cannot be changed once created
  • Replication properties -- choose the replication mode (Online or Scheduled), synchronization values (File or Block, Ignore Files of Same Size/Type, Registry Synchronization or System State Protection) and optional settings (Replicate NTFS Compress Attribute, Replicate NTFS ACL, Synchronize Windows Shares, Prevent Automatic Re-sync upon Error)
  • Event notification properties -- specify a script to run, choose email notification, or write to the event log.
  • Report Handling -- specify report settings, email distribution or script execution
Master and Replica Properties

These settings establish server properties on both Master and Replica. Some settings vary by server type.

  • Host connection properties -- Enter the IP address, and Port number of the Master and Replica
  • Replication properties -- These properties differ for Master and Replica. See the CA ARCserve RHA Administration Guide for more information.
  • Spool properties -- Set the size, minimum disk free size and directory path. See Spool Directory Settings for more information.
  • Event notification properties -- specify a script to run, choose email notification, or write to event log.
  • Report properties -- choose synchronization or replication reports, specify distribution or script execution
  • (Replica) Scheduled Tasks -- set or suspend tasks, including Replica Integrity Testing for Assured Recovery. For more details, see the CA ARCserve RHA Administration Guide.
  • (Replica) Recovery properties -- set delay, data rewind properties, or scheduled tasks for replica
Settings on the HA Properties Tab

These settings control how switchover and switchback are performed