
Arcserve® Unified Data Protection Version 5.0 Update 2 Release Notes

1.0 Welcome

2.0 Enhancements

3.0 Issues Fixed

4.0 Known Issues

5.0 Limitations

6.0 Installation
6.1 Prerequisite Tasks
6.2 Installation Instructions

7.0 Contact Arcserve Support

1.0 Welcome

Welcome to the Arcserve UDP Version 5.0 Update 2 Release Notes. This Release Notes contains important information about this update.

2.0 Enhancements

The following enhancements or features have been added to Arcserve UDP for this update:

3.0 Issues Fixed

This update fixes the following issues, which could have occurred:

For all issues fixed in this release, see the Arcserve UDP Version 5.0 Release Notes.

4.0 Known Issues

The following issues could exist in this update:

For all known issues in this release, see the Arcserve UDP Version 5.0 Release Notes.

5.0 Limitations

The following limitations could exist in this update:

For all limitations in this release, see the Arcserve UDP Version 5.0 Release Notes.

6.0 Installation

The following sections provide information about installation prerequisites and installation instructions.

6.1 Prerequisite Tasks

Consider the following prerequisite tasks before installing this update:

6.2 Installation Instructions

When installing the Arcserve UDP update or the Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) update, it is important to maintain optimal performance between the Console, the Recovery Point Server (RPS), and the Agents. As a result, when the update is installed in an environment that contains both a Console and an Agent, you must always install the update on the Console first, and then on the RPS, and finally on the Agent. (For the Agent that is installed on the Console or the RPS, the update will be automatically installed on that Agent at the same time).

Note: If you have an environment with both Arcserve UDP and Arcserve Backup installed, and you want to install Arcserve UDP Version 5.0 Update 2, you need to also install the corresponding Arcserve Backup patch RO75131 at the same time.

Important! When updating to Arcserve UDP Version 5.0 Update 2, a system reboot may be required. For more information about the system reboot after upgrade, see the KB article.

You can use two methods to install the update; by using the update utility or manually:

Installing the Update Using the Update Utility

To install the update using the update utility from the Home Page, follow these steps:

  1. Open and log in to Arcserve UDP (Full installation) or Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) (Agent only installation).
  2. Update the Arcserve UDP Console (Full installation) or Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows) (Agent only installation):

    1. From the top right corner of the Home Page, click Help, and then click Check for Updates.
    2. Follow the on-screen instructions to install and apply the update.

    Note: For the Full Installation, this step also automatically downloads the necessary packages for remote deployment to the RPS and the Agent. For the Agent only installation, this completes the update process.

  3. Update the Recovery Point Server:

    1. From the left pane, click Recovery Point Servers.
    2. Select the RPS, click Actions and then click Install/Upgrade Recovery Point Server to upgrade each RPS.
    3. Follow the on-screen instructions to install and apply the update.
  4. Update the Agent (Full installation) using one of the following methods:

Note: For more information about updating Arcserve UDP, see the Solutions Guide. For more information about updating Arcserve UDP Agent (Windows), see the Agent for Windows User Guide.

Installing the Update Manually

For an upgrade installation package for Windows servers and workstations that have a previous version of Arcserve UDP already installed, download and install the update manually using the following links to the installation files:

For a fresh installation package for Windows servers and workstations that do not have Arcserve UDP installed yet, download and install the update manually using the following links to the installation files:

For a Linux installation, download and install the update manually using the following links to the installation files:

7.0 Contact Arcserve Support

The Arcserve Support team offers a rich set of resources for resolving your technical issues and provides easy access to important product information.

With Arcserve Support: