Install Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux)

Install Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) on a Linux server to manage backup and restore operations. After you install Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux), you can open the user interface from any computer using a web browser and the server is referred as Backup Server.

At the beginning of installation, the installation script verifies if some of the mandatory applications are installed on the Linux server and the applications are running.

The following mandatory applications are required for the installation file to work:

The installation file also verifies the following optional applications at the beginning of the installation:


Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Linux server as a root user.
  2. Download the Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) installation package (*.bin file) to the root folder.

    Important! When you download the installation package file to a local folder, the full path of this local folder must not contain any special characters except blank spaces and the path should only include the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - and _.

  3. Provide the execution permission to the installation package.
  4. Run the following command to start installation:
  5. ./<linux_installation_file_name>.bin
  6. The installation package verifies the supported platform and displays a confirmation message.
  7. If a non-supported platform is detected, type Y and press Enter to confirm the non-supported platform installation.
  8. Notes:

  1. Type Y and press Enter to confirm the installation.

    The installation package displays the licensing agreement information.

  2. Type Y and press Enter to accept the licensing agreement.

    The Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) installation process begins.

    When the restore-utility package installation is complete, the Live CD build information is displayed.

    The Live CD is built at the following location:


    Note: Live CD is required to get the IP address of the target node when you perform a Bare Metal Recovery (BMR).

    Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) is installed and the URL to browse the Linux Backup Server is displayed.

    Note: Ensure that the following incoming ports are enabled on your firewall for the Backup Server:

  3. Ensure that the following incoming port is enabled on your firewall for the client nodes that you want to back up:
  4. Ensure that the required outgoing port for NFS, CIFS, or both backup destinations are enabled on your firewall for the Linux Backup Server and BMR target nodes.
  5. Note: For details about ports, view Communication Ports Used by Arcserve UDP.
  6. (Optional) To install Linux backup server to a VM on Amazon EC2 or Azure, perform the following steps to create a D2D user:
  7. Note: When the server starts, a message prompt asks you to create a D2D user that is used to log in at Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) web UI.
    1. Enter a user name to create.
    2. Set the password and confirm by entering again.
    3. Select if you want the user account as default login user for Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) web UI
    4. Default: Y (yes)
    5. Decide how many consecutive login failures can get the user account locked.
    6. Default: 3

Arcserve UDP Agent (Linux) is successfully installed.

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