Configure Server Communication Protocol
The Arcserve UDP solution uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for communication among all of its components. If you are concerned about the security of passwords that are communicated between these components, you can change the HTTP protocol to Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). When you do not need this extra level of security, you can change the protocol being used to HTTP.
Note: When you change the protocol to HTTPS, a warning displays in the web browser. The warning appears because of a self-signed security certificate that prompts you to ignore the warning and proceed or add that certificate to the browser to prevent the warning from reappearing.
Follow these steps:
- Log into the computer where the Arcserve UDP Console is installed using an administrative account or an account with administrative privileges.
- Note: If you do not log in using an administrative account or an account with administrative privileges, configure the Command Line to run using the Run as Administrator privilege.
- Open the Windows Command Line.
- Perform one of the following tasks:
- To change the protocol from HTTP to HTTPS:
- Launch the "changeToHttps.bat" utility tool from the following default location.
- When the protocol is successfully changed, the following message displays:
- To change the protocol from HTTPS to HTTP:
- Launch the "changeToHttp.bat" utility tool from the following default location
- C:\Program Files\Arcserve\Unified Data Protection\Management\BIN
- When the protocol is successfully changed, the following message displays:
- Restart the browser and reconnect to Arcserve UDP Console.
Note: The location of the BIN folder can vary depending upon where you installed the Arcserve UDP Console.
C:\Program Files\Arcserve\Unified Data Protection\Management\BIN
The communication protocol was changed to HTTPS.
Note: The location of the BIN folder can vary depending upon where you installed the Arcserve UDP Console.
The communication protocol was changed to HTTP.
Note: To update the communication protocol used by the Arcserve UDP Recovery Point Server and the Arcserve UDP Agent to communicate with the Arcserve UDP Console, update the node directly from the Console.