Create a Backup Plan

A backup plan includes a backup task that performs a backup of the physical or virtual node and stores the data to the specified destination.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click the resources tab.
  2. From the left pane, navigate to Plans, and click All Plans.
  3. If you have added any plans, these plans will be displayed in the center pane.
  4. On the center pane, click Add a Plan.
  5. The Add a Plan page opens.
  6. Enter a plan name.
  7. (Optional) Select Pause this plan check box.
  8. The plan will not run until you clear the check box to resume the plan.
  9. Note: When a plan is paused, the running job is not paused. All corresponding scheduled jobs associated with that plan are paused. However, you can manually run the paused jobs. For example, backup job and merge job for a node can be run manually even if the respective plan is paused. When you resume the plan, the pending jobs will not resume immediately. After you resume the plan, the pending jobs will run from the next scheduled time.
  10. From the Task Type drop-down menu select Backup: Agent-Based Linux.
  11. Now, specify the Source, Destination, Schedule, and Advanced settings.