Import Nodes from a Hyper-V Server

Using this import method you can import the virtual machine nodes from the Microsoft Hyper-V servers.

Follow these steps:

  1. From the Add nodes by drop-down list, select Importing from Hyper-V.
  2. Complete the following fields, and click Connect.
  3. Hyper-V

    Specifies the Hyper-V server name or the IP address. To import virtual machines that are in Hyper-V clusters, specify either the cluster node name or Hyper-V host name.


    Specifies Hyper-V user name having the administrator rights.

    Note: For Hyper-V clusters, use a domain account with administrative privilege of the cluster. For standalone Hyper-V hosts, we recommend using a domain account.


    Specifies the password of user name.

  4. The Arcserve UDP solution searches and displays a node tree on the left pane.
  5. Expand the node tree.
  6. (Optional) You can type the node name in the filter field to locate the node in the tree.
  7. Note: The virtual machines configured as cluster role are listed directly under the cluster node name on the tree. The virtual machines that are not part of the cluster are listed under the host name of individual Hyper-V host.
  8. Select the nodes that you want to add.
  9. Select Provide credentials for the selected nodes check box and provide the user credentials.
  10. Note: User credentials are required for functions such as Pre-Flight Check (PFC), Application Log Truncation, Pre/Post Backup Commands. Without user credentials, PFC fails for the selected nodes.
  11. Click Add to List.
  12. The selected nodes are added to the right pane.
  13. Select the nodes and click Save.
  14. The nodes are added and displayed on the Nodes: All Nodes page.