Test Remote Console Connection

Arcserve UDP lets you test the connection of an added remote console. A successful connection for the remote console connection is required for the Replication plan to work as the remote console account is associated with the plan.

Remote console connection may fail due to multiple reasons:

You can use the test remote console connection option to verify if a remote console is connected and if the information added for the account is correct.

Follow these steps:

  1. Log into Arcserve UDP, and click the resources tab.
  2. From the left pane, navigate to Destinations, and click Remote Console.
  3. The Destinations: Remote Console page displays added remote console in the center pane.
  4. To manage, right click one of the added remote consoles or select a remote console and click Actions.
  5. Multiple options appear.
  6. From the multiple options displayed, click Test Remote Console Connection.
  7. An Information message appears if the details of Remote Console are correct.
  8. An Error message appears if the details of Remote Console are incorrect. Provide the correct details to fix the connection and test again.
  9. (Optional) If an error message appears, fix the broken connection by verifying one or all of the following reasons:

Now, the connection of remote console is successfully tested.