Update Nodes

You can update information that is related to the existing nodes. You can update the node anytime. Some of the situations when you need to update a node are as follows:

Note: If a node acts as both recovery point server and agent, and you change the credentials or protocol of that node, then update the node from the Destinations: Recovery Point Server page. The plan will automatically deploy to the agent after you update the recovery point server. If you update the node from the Nodes: All Nodes page, then the plans involving those nodes are not deployed successfully. To deploy the plan, update the node from the Destinations: Recovery Point Server page again.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click the resources tab.
  2. The Nodes: All Nodes page is displayed.
  3. Perform one of the following actions:
  4. Click Update.
  5. The Update node dialog opens.
  6. The following dialog is for Linux nodes:
  7. Update the details and click OK.
  8. The node information is updated.