![Previous Topic: Install the Agent in a Standard Microsoft SQL Server Environment](574.png)
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Introducing Arcserve Backup Agents and Options › Using Agents › Agent for Microsoft SQL Server › Installing the Agent › Install the Agent › Install the Agent in a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or Later Cluster Environment
Install the Agent in a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or Later Cluster Environment
To install the Agent for Microsoft SQL Server in a Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008, or 2012 cluster environment, follow the standard installation procedure for the system components, agents, and options of Arcserve Backup. For the detailed steps in this procedure, see the Implementation Guide.
During the installation procedure, after you select the Agent for Microsoft SQL Server for installation, the Account Configuration dialog appears.
Enter the appropriate cluster information for each instance of your Microsoft SQL Server 2000 or later virtual server:
- Click the cell containing the instruction in the Instance column to add virtual Microsoft SQL Server instances to the configuration window.
- Specify either Windows or SQL Server authentication in the Authentication column. If you specify SQL Server authentication, enter the user name and password of a Microsoft SQL Server user with system administrator (sa) rights for that instance. Confirm the password.
- Enter the name of the Microsoft SQL Server 2000, 2005, 2008, or 2012 virtual server associated with each instance.
- Enter the login ID of an MSCS domain user with system administrator privileges and the password for that user. Confirm the password.
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