Introducing Arcserve Backup Agents and Options › Using Agents › Agent for Microsoft SQL Server › Troubleshooting and Disaster Recovery › Microsoft SQL Server Disaster Recovery › Disaster Recovery Scenario
Disaster Recovery Scenario
A typical disaster recovery scenario consists of the following steps:
- Reinstall Windows, if necessary.
- Reinstall Arcserve Backup, if necessary.
- Reinstall the Agent for Microsoft SQL Server and the Client Agent for Windows, if necessary. (The Client Agent is needed to restore Microsoft SQL Server Disaster Recovery Elements.)
- Perform one of the following steps as appropriate:
- If you have a Microsoft SQL Server Disaster Recovery Elements session, restore it.
- If an offline backup exists, restore it.
- If you do not have an offline backup or a Disaster Recovery Elements session, and you have the Microsoft SQL 7.0 or 2000 rebuildm.exe utility, use the utility to recreate the master and model database. For SQL 2000, 2005, 2008, and 2012, this is an ability of the SQL Server installation software. For more information, see the Microsoft documentation.
- If an offline backup or Disaster Recovery Elements backup do not exist and you do not have the Microsoft SQL rebuildm.exe utility, reinstall the Microsoft SQL Server or MSDE-based application.
- Restore the [master] database.
- Restart Microsoft SQL Server in normal, multi-user mode.
- Restore the [msdb] database.
- Restore the model database.
- Restore all other databases and transaction logs, except the distribution database for replication.
- If replication is being used, restore the replication database.
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