You can use debug methods to help you troubleshoot problems. The following information will assist you in finding errors. When setting the debug level, set the number high to log more information or low to log less information. When you set the debug level, a value of 1 is the lowest and a value of 4 is the highest.
To set the debug mode of the option, add the environment statements shown in the following /opt/CA/ABcmagt/agent.cfg file.
[20] # SAP/Oracle Agent NAME SAPAgent VERSION 16.5 HOME /opt/CA/ABcmagt ENV CA_ENV_DEBUG_LEVEL=value ENV ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle ENV SAPSID=C11 ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/CA/CAlib:/opt/CA/ABcmagt:$LIBPATH ENV SHLIB_PATH=/opt/CA/CAlib:/opt/CA/ABcmagt:$LIBPATH ENV LIBPATH=/opt/CA/CAlib:/opt/CA/ABcmagt:$LIBPATH #BROWSER AGENT sapagentd
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