The UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X client agent control files specify which directories, file systems, or file system types are to be excluded from backup operations on a specific workstation. In particular, the following packages must be installed with the UNIX, Linux, and Mac OS X client agents:
Note: You must install the Common Agent before you install the uagent.
The control files installed for both packages include:
Use the Directory Control file, uag.cntl, to list all directories or file systems (or both) that you want to exclude from backup operations on a workstation. To specify directories and file systems in this file, enter a slash (/) followed by a one line, complete path name. For example:
Note: The Directory Control file is stored on the client agent workstation in the uagent home directory.
The File System Control file, fs.cntl lists the file system types on a particular workstation that are to be excluded from backup operations. To exclude a particular file system type, enter the type on a separate line in the fs.cntl file.
Note: The File System file is stored on the client agent workstation in the uagent home directory.
The Browser Configuration file, cabr.cfg, enables raw devices to be viewed with the browser. You must ensure that you have entered the absolute name of the raw device on a separate line in the cabr.cfg file.
The Common Agent configuration file, agent.cfg, keeps track of each UNIX, Linux, or Mac OS X client agent installed on your system. This script is run automatically after the uagent is installed.
Note: Only a system administrator can edit the Directory and File System control files. However, other users may be able to append the files, depending on the file access rights the system administrator has assigned to the file.
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