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ca_recoverdb - Options

The ca_recoverdb provides various options for recovering a lost Arcserve Backup database.

The ca_recoverdb command includes the following options:

cahost <hostname>

Redirects default host from the backup log to the host specified by cahost.

For example:

HostA - The default host that existed in backup log, which will be used in ca_restore.

HostB - The host that you specify.

In these examples, if you do not specify the cahost switch, then the ca_restore command invoked by the ca_recoverdb utility will look as follows:

ca_restore -cahost HostA

If you do specify the cahost switch with the parameter HostB, then the ca_restore command invoked by the ca_recoverdb utility will look as follows:

ca_restore -cahost HostB
-i [n]

Specifies to use the interactive mode. If you include this switch, it allows you to specify a point in time from which to perform the Arcserve Backup database recovery by selecting which backup to use as a baseline. When the interactive mode is invoked, the ca_recoverdb displays the list of Arcserve Backup sequences for which it has log files. Each of the log files start with a Full database backup, and contains all of the other backups which are dependent on that Full backup to be restored (the Full backup is root of the “dependency chain” for those sessions).

The parameter n is used to specify the number of latest backup log sets (dependency chains) that you want to select from. The range of values for n is 1 to 99, and the default value is 10.

When you select a Full backup sequence, you will then be prompted to select which session to use as the restore point. After you select a session, the ca_recoverdb utility will determine the dependency chain for that sequence, and use ca_restore to submit a restore job for each session.

If you do not include the -i switch, the ca_recoverdb utility automatically uses the most recent backup as the specified selection, and builds the dependency chain for that session. This is helpful if you just want to recover to the latest point in time backup. However, if the most recent backup is lost or damaged, you can use the interactive mode to restore from an older session, and then merge tapes to re-integrate the latest information.

-username <username> [-password <password>]

Specifies the authenticating information for the database agent that will perform the actual recovery job. If you do not include the password option, it will default to no password required.

-dbusername <database username> [-dbpassword <database password>]

Specifies the authenticating information for the database. If you do not include the database username and corresponding database password, it will default to "dbusername" and "dbpassword" for authenticating purposes.

[-sessionpassword [session password] -sessionpassword [session password] ...]

Specifies the authenticating information for the sessions being set authenticating password.

[-waitForJobStatus <polling interval>]

Specifies the time interval (in seconds) that ca_recoverdb will wait until the job is completed and then exit with a return code that indicates the success or fail outcome of the job.

The <polling interval> value defines how often (in seconds) that the ca_recoverdb utility checks the job status with the Queue services. The default polling interval is 60 seconds.

More information:

ca_recoverdb - Database Recovery Command