Administering Arcserve Backup › Backing Up Data › Global Backup Options › Backup Manager Media Exporting Options
Backup Manager Media Exporting Options
At the end of a backup job, you can move media out of the library or to an off-site location for safe storage. Arcserve Backup provides the following media exporting options:
- Media Exporting Limitations
Be aware of the following media exporting limitations:
- For staging backup jobs, media exporting options are only effective during the migration phase of the job.
- Media exporting options are functional only for regular and rotation jobs and are supported on media libraries and Tape RAID.
- Media exporting options are not supported when you are performing tape staging (B2T2T) backups and the staging device or the final destination device is a RAID device.
- If the job includes verification, the export is done at the end of the verification.
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