Using the Command Line Interface › ca_auth - Authentication Command › ca_auth - Examples
ca_auth - Examples
The following are examples of syntax for the ca_auth command:
- Use the following command to change the password for the caroot user:
ca_auth -user chgpasswd caroot [passwd]
- Use the following command to add a user:
ca_auth -user add username [passwd]
- Use the following command to delete a user:
ca_auth -user delete username
- Use the following command to validate a user and the associated password:
ca_auth -user validate username [password]
- Use the following command to add a user (administrator) and a password (caroot):
ca_auth -user add administrator caroot
Note: You are prompted to enter the password for administrator in non-echo mode.
- Use the following command to list all Arcserve Backup users:
ca_auth -user getall
- Use the following command to add a Windows user (administrator) that has a caroot equivalency to Arcserve Backup Domain Server DOMAIN. The user name is caroot and the password is ccb:
ca_auth -equiv add administrator DOMAIN caroot ccb
- Use the following command to show the current Arcserve Backup user:
ca_auth -equiv whoami
ca_auth Equivalence Examples
- Use the following command to set up equivalency:
ca_auth -equiv add ntuser hostName ARCserveUser [caroot username] [caroot password]
For example, to add an equivalency for the Administrator on machine dev02-vir2:
ca_auth -equiv add Administrator dev02-vir2 'caroot' 'caroot password'
- Use the following command to display the equivalence for the user you are logged in as:
ca_auth -equiv getequiv
- Use the following command to display the equivalence for a user on a particular host machine:
ca_auth -equiv getequiv [ntuser hostName]
- Use the following command to delete the equivalency for a user:
ca_auth -equiv delete ntuser hostName [caroot username] [caroot password]
- Use the following command to see the user name you are logged in as on the local machine:
ca_auth -equiv whoami
- To use command line interface on one machine to manage another, you must add equivalency.
To add equivalency, perform the following steps:
- Open the command line interface from <Machine A>
- Enter the following command:
ca_auth -cahost <hostnameB> -equiv add <domainnameA\NT user(administrator)> <hostnameA> caroot caroot <passwordofcaroot>
More information:
ca_auth - Authentication Command
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