Example: ca_backup
The following are examples of syntax for the ca_backup command:
ca_backup -source machine1 -filesystem C:\DIR1 -filesystem D:\DIR2 -username Administrator -password abc ca_backup -source machine1 -filesystem C:\DIR1 -filelist File1.TXT -filelist File2.TXT -filelist FILE3.TXT -Group GROUP1 -tape TAPE1 -username Administrator -password abc
ca_backup -cahost machine1 -source machine1 -filesystem D:\DIR1 -username Administrator -password abc
ca_backup -source machine1 -filesystem C:\Folder1 -Filesystem D:\Folder2 -filelist file.TXT -username Administrator -password abc
ca_backup -source machine1 -filesystem "C:\Program Files\Back me up dir"(path with spaces need to enclose "") -tape TAPE1 -runjobnow -username Administrator -password abc
Example: ca_backup -filter
The following are examples of syntax when using ca_backup -filter:
ca_backup [-filter include|exclude file|dir <pattern>] -username Administrator -password abc ca_backup -source machine1 -filesystem c:\DIR -filter include file "*.doc" -username Administrator -password abc ca_backup [-filter include|exclude date modify|create|access onorbefore|onorafter <mm/dd/yyyy>] -username Administrator -password abc ca_backup -source machine1 -filesystem c:\DELL -filter exclude dir khan -username Administrator -password abc ca_backup -source machine1 -filesystem c:\DELL -filter exclude file ltrhd.doc -username Administrator -password abc
Example: ca_backup -on -at
The following is an example of syntax when using ca_backup -on -at:
ca_backup -source machine1 -filesystem c:\DIR -filter include file "*.doc" -at 12:50 -on 08/08/2002 -username Administrator -password abc
Example: ca_backup Session Password Keys
The following are examples of syntax when using ca_backup ‑sessionpassword:
ca_backup -source machine1 -filesystem c:\DIR -username Administrator -password abc ca_restore -tape TAPE1 -session 2 -dest C:\DIR -sessionpassword xyz -username Administrator -password abc
Example: ca_backup Rotation Job
The following are examples of syntax when using the ca_backup rotation job option:
ca_backup -source machine1 -filesystem c:\DIR1 -mediapool testingpool -exception full append 12/12/2010 -username Administrator -password abc
ca_backup -source machine1 -filesystem D:\DIR2 -username Administrator -password abc -gfsrotation -mpoolprefix GFSpool -jobunit full -jobunit incr -jobunit incr -jobunit incr -jobunit incr -jobunit incr -jobunit incr -description GFSpoolJob
ca_backup -source machine1 -filesystem c:\dell -gfsrotation -mpoolprefix machine1 -jobunit full -jobunit full -jobunit full -jobunit full -jobunit incr -jobunit incr -jobunit full -description pool -username Administrator -password abc
Note: In the following example, the asterisk symbol * indicates you can use any tape.
ca_backup -source machine1 -filesystem C:\ca_lic -rotation -mediapool khan -jobunit off -jobunit incr append * -jobunit incr append * -jobunit incr append * -jobunit incr append * -jobunit full overwrite * -jobunit off -username Administrator -password abc
ca_backup -source machine1 -filesystem c:\temp -rotation -mediapool hello -jobunit off overwrite -jobunit full overwrite -jobunit incr append -jobunit incr append -jobunit incr append -jobunit full overwrite -jobunit off -username Administrator -password abc
ca_backup -source machine1 -filesystem C:\ca_lic -rotation -mediapool khan -username Administrator -password abc
Example: ca_backup to a Deduplication Device
The following example shows the ca_backup command syntax for a deduplication device that sets the purge policy for a full backup after 4 weeks, 3 days, 2 hours and 1 minute of the job completion time:
ca_backup -cahost hostname -source -filesystem c:\temp -group Dedupegroup -dddpurgedata full 4 3 2 1 -username administrator -password caworld
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