Using the Command Line Interface › ca_dbmgr - Database Manager Command › ca_dbmgr - Examples
ca_dbmgr - Examples
The following are examples of syntax for the ca_dbmgr command:
- Use the following command to display the Arcserve Backup database pruning configuration settings (DB Pruning time, # of days after which sessions are removed):
ca_dbmgr -cahost machine1 -show prune
- Use the following command to display the Arcserve Backup database summary (Total Space occupied, Free Space , DB Size , DB Job/Tape/Media record count, etc.. )
ca_dbmgr -cahost machine1 -show summary
- Use the following command to display details of a specified job ID:
ca_dbmgr -cahost machine1 -show jobs 8
- Use the following command to display details of all jobs in the last 8 days with status as ‘complete’:
ca_dbmgr -cahost machine1 -show jobs -completed -last 8 days
- Use the following command to display details of all the sessions for a specified ID:
ca_dbmgr -cahost machine1 -show jobsessions 8
- Use the following command to display details of all the tapes recorded in the database:
ca_dbmgr -cahost machine1 -show tapes
- Use the following command to display details of all the sessions on a specified tape
ca_dbmgr -cahost machine1 -show tapesessions AB3C
- Use the following command to display details of all the media pools:
ca_dbmgr -cahost machine1 -show pools
- Use the following command to display details of a specified media pool:
ca_dbmgr -cahost machine1 -show poolmedia POOL1
Example: ca_dbmgr Media Pool Management Options
- Use the following command to add a new media pool with specified parameters:
ca_dbmgr -cahost machine1 -mediapool add POOL1 0 -b 1200000 -i 1000 -m 1299999 -retention 100
- Use the following command to modify a media pool with specified settings of the number of media in the save set and the retention time period (99 days):
ca_dbmgr -cahost machine1 -mediapool modify POOL1 -save 0 -retention 99
- Use the following command to remove the specified media (AB3C) from media pool TMPPOOL:
ca_dbmgr -cahost machine1 -mediapool delete -f TMPOOL AB3C
- Use the following command to move the specified media (AB3C) from media pool "POOL1" to the save set of media pool "POOL2":
ca_dbmgr -cahost machine1 -mediapool move AB3C POOL1 POOL2 SAVE
Example: ca_dbmgr Database Management Options
Example: ca_dbmgr Database Maintenance Options
More information:
ca_dbmgr - Database Manager Command
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