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ca_devmgr - Tape Drive Commands

The following tape drive commands can be used only for a tape drive.

ca_devmgr [-cahost <host>] 
-format [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun> <tape name>] [<mm/dd/yyyy> <serial no.>] [MEDIAPOOL <mediapool name>]
-erase [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>] [q|qz|qw|l]
-online [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>]
-offline [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>]
-compression [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>] <on|off>
-eject [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>]
-retension [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>]

-format [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun> <tape name>] [<mm/dd/yyyy> <serial no.>] [MEDIAPOOL <mediapool name>]

Formats a tape in a tape drive.

When used with the -force option, formats the specified media, regardless of whether it is in a Save Set or Scratch Set.

The adapter number, SCSI ID, lun, and the new name of the tape are required. The date and serial number are optional.

-erase [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>] [q|qz|qw|l]

Erases a tape in a tape drive.

When used with the -force option, erases all data on specified media, regardless of whether it is in a Save Set or Scratch Set.

The adapter number, SCSI ID, and lun options are required.

Options include:

Important! Long erase removes the entire media from the beginning of the tape to the end of the tape, and may take a long time to complete.

-online [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>]

Sets the specified device (FSD or tape device) to an online status. When set to online, the device can be shared among multiple servers.

You must verify that you do not have more than one server set to write backup data to the same device at the same time. If multiple servers access the device at the same time, the backup could fail and data could get lost.

Example: If you have a FSD/tape device whose adapter #, scsi ID, and lun is 0, 0, and 1 and you want to set it to an online status, enter the following command:

ca_devmgr -online 0 0 1
-offline [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>]

Sets the specified device (FSD or tape device) to an offline status. When set to offline, no other backup job can be submitted to the device.

If a backup job to the device is already in progress, you will not be allowed to change the device status to offline until the job is completed. For an FSD, this prevents multiple servers from inadvertently accessing the device at the same time. If a backup job attempts to access the device when set to offline, the job will fail.

Example: If you have a FSD/tape device whose adapter #, scsi ID, and lun is 0, 0, and 1 and you want to set it to an offline status, enter the following command:

ca_devmgr -offline 0 0 1
-compression [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>] <on|off>

Enables or disables compression on a tape drive.

For this command to work, the tape device must support compression and there must be a blank tape in the drive.

The adapter number, SCSI ID, lun and the on or off flags are required.

-eject [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>]

Ejects a tape from the tape drive.

To use this command, the tape drive must support the eject command. The adapter number, SCSI ID, and lun options are required.

-retension [<adapter #> <scsi ID> <lun>]

Retensions a tape in a tape drive.

The adapter number, SCSI ID, and lun are required.

More information:

ca_devmgr - Device Manager Command

ca_devmgr - Examples