The following are examples of syntax for the ca_merge command:
Specify the machine on which the source being merged is located
ca_merge -tape TAPE01
ca_merge -cahost hostA -tape TAPE01
Confine the range of the source
ca_merge -group <group name> -tape <tape name> [<tape ID>]
ca_merge -cahost hostA -tape TAPE01
ca_merge -tape TAPE01 B53E
ca_merge -cahost hostA -tape TAPE01 -allsessions
ca_merge -cahost hostA -tape TAPE01 -session 6
ca_merge -tape TAPE02 -session 2-8
Confine the time at which the merge job will run
ca_merge -cahost hostB -tape TAPE03 -session 6-9 at 11:20
ca_merge -cahost hostB -tape TAPE03 -session 6-9 -at 11:20 -on 03/25/2007
ca_merge -cahost hostB -tape TAPE03 -session 6-9 -hold
ca_merge -cahost hostB -tape TAPE03 -session 6-9 -runjobnow
Wait for Job Status
ca_merge -cahost hostB -tape TAPE03 -session 6-9 -runjobnow -waitforjobstatus 60
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