The ca_qmgr command contains job specific commands that allow you to monitor and control individual jobs.
The ca_qmgr command includes the following job specific commands:
ca_qmgr [-cahost <hostname>] [-entiredomain]
-changestatus <job #> <ready|hold> -changedate <job #> <mm/dd/yy[yy]> -changetime <job #> <hh:mm> -stop <job #> -view <job #> -delete <job #> -waitForJobStatus <job #> [<polling interval <secs>>] -move <-s_server <source primary server>> <-d_server <dest primary server>> [-m_server <member server>] [-jobnum <job #>] [-hold] -changeSessionPasswd <job #> [<old password> <new password>]
Changes the job status to ready, or puts a job on hold.
ca_qmgr -changestatus 12 hold
Changes the date a job will run.
ca_qmgr -changedate 12 04/01/2006
Changes the time a job will run.
ca_qmgr -changetime 12 12:08
Note: All scheduled times for Arcserve Backup jobs are based upon the time zone where the Arcserve Backup server is located. If your agent machine is located in a different time zone than the Arcserve Backup server, you will need to calculate the equivalent local time that you want the job to be run.
Changes the session password for the specified backup job with the status of ready, hold, or done. You can execute this command using either of two formats:
ca_qmgr -changeSessionPasswd 5 AAA BBB
ca_qmgr -changeSessionPasswd 5
Please enter old password: Please enter new password: Please reconfirm new password:
Specifies the job number of the backup job that you want to change the session password.
Specifies the old session password that will be replaced for the backup job. This parameter is optional; however, if it is included you must also include the new password.
Specifies the new session password that will be applied to the backup job. This parameter is optional; however, it cannot remain empty if you include the old password.
Stops a currently running job. If it is a repeating job, the next job in the sequence is queued. If it is a run-once job, the job is stopped and deleted. If it is a job on hold, no action is taken.
ca_qmgr -stop 12
Important! No confirmation is asked prior to stopping the job. The job is stopped without asking if you are sure.
Views details of job number (Job Summary)
ca_qmgr -view 12
Deletes an inactive job. Deleting an inactive job completely removes it from the job queue.
ca_qmgr -delete 12
Note: To delete an active job, you must first stop the job before you can delete it.
The ca_qmgr command will wait until the job is completed, and then returns to prompt. The optional polling interval indicates the time to poll for the job status internally.
The <polling interval> value defines how often (in seconds) the ca_qmgr utility checks the job status with the Queue services. The default polling interval is 60 seconds.
Note: If the job number does not exist in the job queue, the command will hang. Make sure the job number is included in the job queue.
Moves the job from one server to another. If you include this command, you must specify a source server and a destination server. In addition, you can also include subordinate options to further define the job to be moved. If you do not include any subordinate options, all jobs on the source primary servers will be moved to the destination primary server by default.
Specifies the source primary server where the job will be moved from. You must include the name of the source primary server.
Specifies the destination primary server where the job will be moved to. You must include the name of the destination primary server.
Specifies the host where the moving job will be executed from. If you include this option, you must specify the member server.
Specifies the job number that will be moved. If you include this option, you must specify a job number on the source primary server.
If the option is included, specifies that the jobs being moved on the source primary server will be modified to a Hold status after they have been successfully moved, instead of the default action of Deleted.
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