Using the Command Line Interface › ca_recoverdb - Database Recovery Command › ca_recoverdb - Examples
ca_recoverdb - Examples
The following are examples of syntax for the ca-recoverdb command:
- Use the following syntax to recover an ASDB if the ASDB is hosted on a primary server:
ca_recoverdb.exe -username Administrator -password win_pwd
- Use the following syntax to recover an ASDB if an ASDB session is encrypted or password protected:
ca_ recoverdb.exe -username Administrator -password win_pwd -sessionpassword ses_pwd
- Use the following syntax to recover an ASDB if an external ASDB server and SQL Authentication is used:
ca_recoverydb.exe -cahost machinename -username Administrator -password win_pwd -dbusername db_username -dbpassword db_password
More Informaton:
ca_recoverdb - Database Recovery Command
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