The ca_restore command line utility supports the following info arguments:
[-listgroups] [-listtapes] [-listsessions <tapename> [<tapeID>]] [-version [<hostname>] <path>] [-findfile <filename> <ignorecase|casesensitive> <<hostname>|any> <search path> <inclsubdir|noinclsubdir> <<mm/dd/yy[yy]>|today> <within #> <days|months|years>]
Specifies to display a list of groups available for the restore job.
Specifies to display a list of tapes available for the restore job.
Specifies to display a list of tape sessions that have been backed up to the specified tape and are available for restore.
Specifies to display a list of versions (recovery points) of the specified file/directory that has been backed up. The host name is optional and defaults to the local machine if not provided.
Determines whether a file has been backed up by searching the Recover Management Backup database.
You must specify the file name, and indicate whether the name is case-sensitive or not, the host name (or any if any host name applies), the path to search for the file (use "/" to search at the top-most level), and whether or not to include sub directories during the search.
You must also specify the time period for the file you are searching for. This time period is based upon a start time point and an end time point. The end time point is the date the file was created (not the date of the backup), and is represented by <<mm/dd/yy[yy]>|today>. The start time point is the number days, months, or years back from the end point to search from and is represented by <<within #> <days/months/years>>.
For example:
The format is 03/15/2007 within 4 days.
The format is 04/11/2007 within 31 days, or 04/11/2007 within 1months.
The format is 03/11/2007 within 365 days, or 03/11/2007 within 12 months, or 03/11/2007 within 1 years.
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