Using the Command Line Interface › ca_vcbpopulatedb - VMware VCB Utility Command › ca_vcbpopulatedb - Examples
ca_vcbpopulatedb - Examples
The following are examples of syntax for the ca_vcbpopulatedb command:
- Use the following command populate the VM details of the VMware ESX Host system having a hostname "ESXServer1" into the Arcserve server "ARCserver1" database under VCB Proxy machine "VCBProxy1" using http protocol with the debug flag set:
ca_vcbpopulatedb.exe -Primary ARCserver1 -carootUser caroot -carootPass ca123 -vcb VCBProxy1 -esxServer ESXServer1 -esxUser root -esxUserPass rootpasswd -proto http -debug
- Use the following command to remove the all VM details of the VMware ESX Host system having a hostname "ESXServer1" from the Arcserve server "ARCserver1" database available under VCB Proxy machine "VCBProxy1" with the debug flag unset:
ca_vcbpopulatedb.exe -Primary ARCserver1 -carootUser caroot -carootPass ca123 -vcb VCBProxy1 -esxServer ESXServer1 -esxUser root -esxUserPass rootpasswd -delProxydb
- Use the following command to populate the VM details of the VMware ESX Host system having a hostname "ESXServer1" into the Arcserve server "ARCserver1" database, only the VM mountable inside the VCB proxy machine "VCBProxy1" with the debug flag set:
ca_vcbpopulatedb.exe -Primary ARCserver1 -carootUser caroot -carootPass ca123 -vcb VCBProxy1 -esxServer ESXServer1 -esxUser root -esxUserPass rootpasswd -vcbMountableVM -debug
- Use the following command to stop populating the Arcserve Backup database automatically.
More information:
ca_vcbpopulatedb - VMware VCB Utility Command
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