The batch command (cabatch) allows you to submit jobs to a local or remote Arcserve Backup job queue using an external script file, delete jobs from the job queue, and modify the execution times for all of the jobs in the job queue. For the cabatch utility to submit jobs to the Arcserve Backup job queue, the Backup Manager does not have to be running, but all Arcserve Backup engines must be running.
Note: To submit a job to the Arcserve Backup job queue of a remote server, you must have proper access privileges for that server.
To submit a job using the cabatch utility, you must create and save a job script using the Backup Manager or prepare a text file with a job description using the cabatch Job Information Template. When this template is completed, cabatch will read this job description file and submit the job to the Arcserve Backup job queue for execution. The cabatch Job Information Template (Template.txt) is located in the Arcserve Backup home directory.
The command also provides automation by using the Job Management Option component of Unicenter NSM (formerly known TNG) by using the /J (returns the job return code) and /W (wait for job completion) switches. For more information about how to use this to integrate with Unicenter NSM, see Unicenter NSM - Job Management Option Integration.
Note: Prior to Unicenter NSM r11, the Job Management Option was referred to as Workload Management.
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