Using Dashboard › Troubleshooting Dashboard › Dashboard Troubleshooting › Dashboard does not display data
Dashboard does not display data
If the Arcserve Backup Dashboard does not display any data, perform the following troubleshooting procedure:
Note: Dashboard can only monitor and report on nodes that have Arcserve Backup agents with r12.5 or later.
- Verify that data for Dashboard is being collected.
- Verify the Arcserve Backup services are running and restart if necessary. For more information about Arcserve Backup services, see the Administration Guide.
- Refresh the reports.
- If the problem persists, access the CA.ARCserve.CommunicationFoundation.WindowsServices.exe.config file to enhance the corresponding CACF.svclog information.
The configuration file is located in the following directory:
X:\Program Files\CA\ARCServe Backup
- In the configuration file, locate the following string:
source name="CA.ARCserve.CommunicationFoundation.Trace"
- Change the value from "Information" (default value) to "Verbose" to provide more detailed information in the output log files and help CA troubleshoot the problem.
- Restart the Arcserve Backup services.
- Refresh the Dashboard reports.
- Locate the CACF.svclog file in the following directory:
X:\Program Files\CA\ARCServe Backup\LOG
- Send the CACF.svclog file to CA Technical Support for investigation.
For online technical assistance and a complete list of locations, primary service hours, and telephone numbers, contact Arcserve support.
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