Introducing Media Management Administrator › Understanding Media Management Administrator › View Slot Information
View Slot Information
Once tape volumes have been assigned to slots in a vault, the MM Admin displays slot information for the vault. Select the Vault object in the left pane of the MM Admin window and double-click to expand it. When you select a particular vault from the list, the right pane of the MM Admin window displays a view of the vault and its slots. This view provides the following information:
- Media Name--Lists the Media Name, ID, Sequence Number, and Serial Number.
- Slot Status--Select one of the following options:
- Active--This Slot (media) has actually been sent to this vault.
- Unvaulted--This Slot (media) has not actually been sent to this vault, it shows as being in the vault, but has not yet been sent to this vault.
- Temporary Check In--This Slot (media) will be checked in temporarily during the next vault cycle.
- Manual Check In--This Slot (media) will be checked in during the next vault cycle.
- Manual Check In and Retire--This Slot (media) will be checked in and retired during the next vault cycle.
- Slot Name--Lists the Vaultname and Slot Number.
- Media Export Status--Either Ready, Success, or Fail. Ready is the default status and indicates that the media has been assigned to the vault, but has not been exported from the tape library to the mail slot yet. Success is the status that appears once the media is successfully exported to the mail slot. Fail appears if MM Admin failed to export the media to the mail slot.
- Local--Select yes if this Slot (media) belongs to local machine, or select No if it belongs to a remote machine.
- Create Date--The date the slot was created.
- Last Write Date--The date the media was last updated.
When you highlight a media name, additional information appears in the Properties pane in the lower right-hand corner of the page. This information includes the media name, serial number, random ID, host name, slot status, slot name, media export status, media type, media class, last write, last read, and slot creation date. Because MM Admin lets you start a vault cycle only with local media, the media icon appears in yellow if the vaulted media is not a local media with a remote host name. If you want to start a vault cycle with a remote media and members servers, use the ca_mmo -startall command line utility.
Note: For more information about command line utilities for media management, see the Command Line Reference Guide.
Because slots are automatically created when a tape volume is vaulted, you typically have no reason to update slot information.
More information:
Media Management Administrator
Vaulting Process
MM Admin - Vaults
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