The agent configuration file, agent.cfg, is located in the Common Agent home directory, and supplies the default information used when running orasetup for each sub-agent (Backup and Client Agent) installed on your system. It also contains the Oracle home directory, the user name and password of the Oracle Recovery Manager, and NLS_LANG and NLS_DATE_FORMAT information.
Note: You must reload the agent using the caagent update command after changing the agent.cfg file.
The following is a sample of the contents of the agent.cfg file:
[46] # Oracle Agent NAME Oracle Agent VERSION 16.5 HOME <Oracle Agent home directory> ENV CAS_ENV_ORACLE_AGENT_HOME=<Oracle Agent home directory> #ENV CA_ENV_NUM_OF_REST_BUFF= ENV DAYS_ORAGENTD_LOGS_RETAINED=30 ENV ORACLE_SHUTDOWN_TYPE=immediate #ENV NLS_LANG=american ENV NLS_DATE_FORMAT=MM/DD/YYYY/HH24:MI:SS ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:<Oracle Agent home directory>:<Oracle Agent home directory>/lib:/opt/CA/ABcmagt:/usr/local/CAlib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH BROWSER oraclebr AGENT oragentd
The CA_ENV_NUM_OF_REST_BUFF parameter lets you modify performance for restore operations. Since optimal values may vary depending on environments and host loads, modify this parameter with care.
If you want to modify the number of days that the agent keeps the agent logs before it automatically deletes them, update the DAYS_ORAGENTD_LOGS _RETAINED variable. If you do not want to have the log files deleted automatically, enter 0.
You should not manually change the settings for any of the Recovery Manager home directories listed in the agent.cfg file. Instead, to change these settings, rerun the orasetup program, enter the new information, and re-register it.
You can also use the configuration file to select the type of shutdown Oracle will perform when an offline operation is required on an Oracle database. The supported values are normal, immediate, and abort. You should not enable the Debug option manually in the agent.cfg file. unless instructed to do so by a Arcserve Customer Support representative.
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