Introducing Arcserve Backup Agents and Options › Using Agents › Agent for Oracle › Troubleshooting › The Agent Cannot Back Up the Archive Log
The Agent Cannot Back Up the Archive Log
The Warning AW53704 Unable to locate the Archived Log. It will not be backed up. (Archived Log=[archived log file name]) occurs:
- if you delete the expected archived log files on the disk.
- if you are using Oracle 9i, Oracle 10g and Oracle 11g, in RAC environment, you use a local disk instead of shared disk to put archived logs or you do not use multiple archived logs destination and network mapping to make each machine access the archived logs on all other machines.
- if you are using Oracle 11g, in RAC environment, you use shared disk to put archived logs, if FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA exceed the maximal size limit, the newly generated archived logs will be put into standby_archive_dest which is on the local disk.
- if you are using Oracle 9i, Oracle 10g and Oracle 11g, in OFS environment, you use a local disk, instead of shared disk to put archived logs or you do not use multiple archived logs destination and network mapping to make each machine access the achieved logs on all other machines or you have performed a failover.
- if you are using Oracle 11g, in OFS environment, you use a shared disk to put the archived logs, if FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA exceed the maximal size limit, the newly generated archived logs will be put into standby_archive_dest which is on the local disk. This error still appears even after performing a failover.
You can perform the following steps to resolve this error in the file-based mode:
To resolve Warning AW53704 in file-based mode
- Log into the machine on which the Agent for Oracle Agent is installed.
- Open the RMAN console.
- Execute the following command
crosscheck archivelog all
- Then execute the following command
delete expired archivelog all.
Note: The command delete expired archivelog all will delete the archivelog record information in the control file and catalog database. Contact your Oracle DBA before you execute these commands.
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