A transaction log is a listing of all the transactions occurring on a database from a specified time. To ensure that backup files contain the most current transactions, you should back up your transaction logs more frequently than you back up your databases. For example, you could back up a transaction log once a day and the entire database once a week. If you have to restore the database, the most currently backed up transaction would be no more than twenty-four hours old. More frequent transaction log backups would give you files with transactions that are even more current.
Note: The agent lets you back up log files separately from their corresponding databases only if the log files and the database files on your system are on different Sybase devices.
Backing up a transaction log takes less time and uses less storage space than backing up a database, so it is an efficient way of keeping your backup files current. To back up only a transaction log, you must select the Backup Transaction Log option when setting up the backup job. A transaction log backup, like a database backup, can take place when the database is active.
Important! Do not back up a transaction log unless the database has already been backed up at least once.
It takes longer to recover a database when you restore the database and all transaction logs sequentially than it does when you restore only the database. Finding the correct strategy depends on your environment. The time required to perform backup must be considered in relation to the time required to restore.
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