Installing and Upgrading Arcserve Backup in a Cluster-aware Environment › Deploy Arcserve Backup Server on MSCS › Prepare MSCS Cluster Resources on Windows Server 2012 Systems
Prepare MSCS Cluster Resources on Windows Server 2012 Systems
On Windows Server 2012 systems, use the Failover Cluster Management utility to prepare MSCS cluster resources.
Follow these steps:
- From the Windows Start menu, open Failover Cluster Management.
- Right-click Roles and then click Configure Role.
The High Availability Wizard, Before You Begin dialog opens.
- Review the content on the Before You Begin dialog and click Next.
- Click the Select Role option and click Other Server from the list of roles pop-up menu.
The Client Access Point dialog opens.
- Complete the required fields on the Client Access Point dialog. Verify that you provide the following information:
- Name of cluster role
- Public and private IP address for the location of the cluster role
Click Next.
The Select Storage dialog opens.
- Specify the the volume that you want to assign to the cluster role.
Click Next and the message "High availability was successfully configured for the role." appears.
Click Finish.
The cluster resource is prepared.
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