Valid on Windows platforms.
User profiles do not migrate when you upgrade to this release of Arcserve Backup. As a result, the users cannot log in to the Arcserve Backup managers and domain.
This problem only affects upgrades from previous releases of Arcserve Backup, such as Arcserve Backup r12.5. The problem occurs under one or both of the following conditions:
As a result of the above conditions, the user accounts that you added in the previous release do not migrate as you upgrade to this release of Arcserve Backup. To remedy this problem, you must re-create equivalence on the backup server using the ca_auth command (based on the new IP address), and then update the user accounts.
To complete this task, do the following:
ca_auth -equiv add <domainnameA\NT user(administrator)> <hostnameA> caroot caroot <passwordofcaroot>
Equivalence is created.
caauthd.exe -setupuser cadiscovd.exe -m
The user account information is updated.
Note: The command line utilities are stored in root of the Arcserve Backup installation directory. For example:
C:\Program Files\CA\ARCserve Backup\caauthd.exe
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