After making server, protocol, security and backup type selections, you can select a backup destination, set the backup schedule and submit the job.
To select the backup destination, schedule, and to submit the job
Note: You can use the * symbol in the Group or Media fields to create partial wildcards when you select a backup destination. For example, if you have two sets of device groups, one with all members beginning GroupA and the other with all members beginning GroupB, you can select all the GroupA members by entering GroupA* in the Group field. For more information about selecting devices and media, see the Administration Guide.
Click the Schedule tab and select the scheduling options for this backup job. For information about scheduling backups, see the Administration Guide.
Note: We recommend that you use the user name and password of a domain administrator for machine authentication. Domain administrators are not dependent on the computer on which the Microsoft SQL Server instance is still running. Specify a domain user with the format DomainName\UserName.
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