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Tape Errors Occur When Backing Up or Restoring Data

The following section provides guidance to help you address issues related to tape errors when using Arcserve Backup.

Possible Problems

If you receive an error that suggests that there is something wrong with one of your tapes, you should take corrective action as soon as possible to ensure the security of your data. Before replacing your tape, however, you should make certain that it is the tape that is causing the problem, and not another part of your system. Try these steps to rule out the possibility that the problem is being caused by something other than the tape:

Possible Resolutions

After you have determined that there is a problem with the tape--part of the tape is unreadable, the tape is physically damaged in some way, and so on--you should replace the tape as soon as possible. Before you do that, you will need to back up the data on the bad tape to a reliable tape. You have two options at this point: