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Specify the Block Size for Backups to Tape Drives

Arcserve Backup lets you specify the block size for tape backups. This capability lets Arcserve Backup transfer more data per block to the device. Before you specify a larger tape block size, consider the following circumstances:

To specify the tape block size for tape drives

  1. Stop the Arcserve Backup Tape Engine service on the backup server that you want to configure.
  2. Open Windows Registry Editor and browse to the following:

    Locate the DEVICE# key for the tape drive that you want to configure.

  3. Under the DEVICE# key, create a DWord registry key named ForceBlockSize.

    Specify one of the following DWORD values:

    Close the Edit DWORD Value dialog and close Windows Registry Editor.

  4. Restart the Arcserve Backup Tape Engine service.

The tape block size is applied to the tape drive.