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Delete Activity Log Files

To conserve file space, you can delete the entire Activity log file or unnecessary log records older than a specific time period.

To delete files in the Activity log

  1. Open the Job Status Manager and select the Activity Log tab. Click the Delete toolbar button.

    The Delete dialog opens.

  2. Select the criteria you want to apply in the Delete dialog. Chose one of the following options:
  3. Click OK.

    A caution dialog appears.

  4. Click OK.

    The Activity log files are deleted.

You can also use the command line interface to purge job logs (or any other log file) from the Activity log. Use the ca_log -purge command to delete logs older than a specified period of time from any log file. You can also use the ca_log -clear command if you want to delete all log data from log files with no specified time period.

Note: For more information about the ca_log command, see the Command Line Reference Guide.