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ca_merge - Merge Options

The ca_merge command allows you to specify various merge options that are applied to the job.

The ca_merge command includes the following merge options:

[Database Options] (for UNIX host)
[Decryption Password List Options]
[Logging Options] (for UNIX use only)
[Pre/Post Options]
[Exit Code Options]
[Media Options]
[Miscellaneous Merge Options]
[Job Status Options]
Database Options

Note: This option is for UNIX use only.

The ca_merge command includes the following database options:



Record only Job and Session information into the Arcserve Backup database.

Decryption Password List Options

The ca_merge command includes the following decryption password list options:

[decryptionpwdlist <password 1> [<password 2>] [<password 3>] ... [password 8>]

[decryptionpwdlist <password 1> [<password 2>] [<password 3>] ... [<password 8>]

Provides a list of decryption passwords to be used if the sessions are encrypted. If a merge job contains multiple sessions with different passwords, Arcserve Backup will not stop for each session and ask for a password. Instead, the specified decryption passwords will be packaged as a combined list and the list will automatically be checked as each encrypted session is merged.

If the required password is supplied as part of the decryption password list, the job will continue without any further user input. If the required session password is not supplied as part of the decryption password list, you will be prompted to provide one prior to allowing that encrypted session to continue.

A maximum of eight passwords can be included in the decryption password list, with each password separated by a space. Each password can have a maximum of 23 characters and cannot contain any spaces or commas.

Logging Options

Note: This option is for UNIX use only.

The ca_merge command includes the following logging options:

[-logfile <filename> [summary | allactivity]]
[-snmp] [-tng] [-email <email address>] [-printer <printer name>]

-logfile <filename> [summary | allactivity]

Records activities during the running of the merge job to the specified filename. You can specify to record all activity or just a summary of the activity.


Enables SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) alert.


Enables Unicenter Network and Systems Management (NSM) alert (formerly known as TNG).

-email <email address>

Sends a copy of the Activity log to the specified email address.

-printer<printer name>

Sends a copy of the Activity log to the specified printer.

The printer must be set up in the configuration file ARCServe_HOME/config/caloggerd.cfg

Pre/Post Options

The ca_merge command includes the following pre/post options:

[-preexec <command>]
[-preexectimeout <minutes>]
[-postexec <command>]
[-prepostuser <user name>]
[-prepostpassword <user password>]

-preexec <command>

Runs the specified command before the job starts.

The entire path of the command should be included.

Note: To use this option you must also specify the -prepostuser option.

-preexectimeout <minutes>

The time to wait, in minutes, before the merge job starts, to allow time for the pre-execute command to finish.

-postexec <command>

Runs the specified command after the job finishes.

The entire path of the command should be included.

Note: To use this option you must also specify the -prepostuser option.

-prepostuser <user name>

The user name of the user submitting this merge job.

-prepostpassword <user password>

The password of the user submitting this merge job.

Exit Code Options

The ca_merge command includes the following exit code options:

[-exitcode <exit code1>]

-exitcode <exit code1>

Specifies the exit code of the pre-execute command.

Used with the -skip_delay, -skip_job, and -skip_post switches.

Note: The skip delay, skip job, and skip post options will only be activated if Arcserve Backup detects that the returned exit codes meet the selected condition (Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than, or Not Equal to).


Runs the merge job immediately if the specified exit code is received.


Skips the merge job completely if the specified exit code is received.


Skips the post-execute command if the specified exit code is received.

Media Options

The ca_merge command includes the following media options:

[-firsttapetimeout <minutes>]
[-spantapetimeout <minutes>]

-firsttapetimeout <minutes>

Specifies the time (in minutes) to wait for a usable media to be made available for the merge job. If a usable media is not made available within this specified time period, the job will time out and fail.

Default: 5 minutes

-spantapetimeout <minutes>

Specifies the time (in minutes) to wait for a usable span media to be made available for the merge job. If a usable media is not loaded within this specified time period, the job will time out and fail.

If the infinite value is specified, the job continues to wait and prompt until a usable media is loaded or the user cancels the job.

Default: Infinite

Miscellaneous Merge Options

The ca_merge command includes the following miscellaneous merge options:

(for UNIX use only)
[-savescript <script name>]


Used to display a list of tapes available for the merge job.

-savescript <script name>

Instead of submitting this job to the job queue, the merge job is saved as a script that can be loaded into the job queue later.

Note: This option is for UNIX use only.

Job Status Options

The ca_merge command includes the following job status options:

[-waitForJobStatus [<polling interval (secs)>]]

-waitForJobStatus [<polling interval (secs)>]

The ca_merge command will wait until the job is completed, and then exit with a return code that indicates the success or fail outcome of the job.

The <polling interval> value defines how often (in seconds) the ca_merge utility checks the job status with the Queue services. The default polling interval is 60 seconds.

More information:

ca_merge - Merge Manager Command

ca_merge - Return Codes

ca_merge - Examples