You can uninstall Arcserve Backup using the Add and Remove Programs application located in the Windows Control Panel.
To ensure that Arcserve Backup is completely uninstalled from your system, you should uninstall all Arcserve Backup components that appear in the Uninstall Components dialog. For example, you should uninstall Arcserve Backup Client Agent for Windows, Arcserve Backup Agent for Microsoft SQL Server, Arcserve Backup Diagnostic Utility, and so on.
You can uninstall the following Arcserve Backup components from Windows Add or Remove Programs:
Use the Server Admin Manager to uninstall the following Arcserve Backup components:
The uninstallation routine removes all Arcserve Backup components, directories, files, and so on from your computer, except for following directories and all of their contents:
Note: If there are no other applications on your computer using these files, you can safely delete them.
If you upgraded from a previous Arcserve Backup release, and the previous release was integrated with a previous version of Java Runtime Environment (JRE), the uninstallation routine does not remove the directory and files associated JRE 1.7.0 and any previous versions of JRE from your system.
Note: If there are no other applications on your computer using these files, you can safely delete them.
The uninstallation routine does not remove files in this directory that were modified or created as a result of cluster installation.
Note: You can safely delete this directory after Arcserve Backup is uninstalled from the last cluster node.
The uninstallation routine does not remove Arcserve database log files that were created in a cluster installation. Arcserve database log files can be labeled ASDBBackups.txt and ASDBBackups.X.txt.
Note: If you do not plan to reinstall Arcserve Backup in a cluster, you can safely delete this directory after Arcserve Backup is uninstalled from the last cluster node.
To uninstall Arcserve Backup
Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
The Add or Remove Programs dialog opens.
Click Remove.
The Components dialog opens.
The Arcserve Backup components specified are uninstalled from your computer.
Important! The uninstallation routine does not uninstall the Arcserve Backup database instance from your computer. If you find it necessary to reinstall Arcserve Backup, the installation wizard detects the presence of a Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition database instance on your system. As a result, the installation wizard automatically selects the Arcserve Backup Agent for Microsoft SQL Server component on the Select Product installation dialog.
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